WE convince – References of our expertise

Although our company is still quite young, we can already present an representative list of own projects.

Our references and the long-term experience of our experts guarantee you the expertise needed for your company’s success.

WWTP's Antalya, Izmir and Bursa, Turkey

Project: Investigating Potentials for Energy Efficiency Measures of the WWTP`s Antalya, Izmir and Bursa, Turkey

On request of KfW Development Bank independent experts, Dipl.-Ing. Hans-Joachim WERNER (Technical Expert) and Mr. Nuri BALSARI (Institutional and Financial Expert) executed a Fact Finding Mission in three cosmopolitan cities in Turkey-Antalya, Izmir and Bursa- between November 24th and December 3rd 2008 in order to evaluate CO2 emission reduction possibilities as formulated in the Kyoto Protocol, through energy consumption reduction. ...

> More information

The experts have spent two days in each city, and had several meetings with water and waste water utilities and municipalities.

Further all information gathered on site and from the data that have been provided were evaluated and the results were summarized in a mission report consisting of four volumes as follows:

Volume I: Summary
Volume II: Antalya
Volume III: Izmir
Volume IV: Bursa

Assiggnment as independent experts

  1. Fact finding mission on:
    - WWTP Hurma, Antalya (500,000 PE)
    - WWTP Lara, Antalya (200,000 PE)
    - WWTP Cigli, Izmir (3,000,000 PE)
    - WWTP Güneybati, Izmir (100,000 PE)
    - WWTP Dogu, Bursa (1,600,000 PE)
    - WWTP Bati, Bursa (583,000 PE)
  2. Collection of performance data
  3. Evaluation of questionnaires and performance data
  4. Preparation of mission reports
  5. Presentation of the results and proposal for a project to the ministries


Antalya, Izmir, Bursa, Turkey


Ministry of Environment, Germany
Minsitry of Environment and Forestry, Turkey
KfW Development Bank

Independent Experts:

Dipl.-Ing. H.-J. Werner
Nuri Balsari


2008 - 2009


Consultancy Contract for Independent Experts


KfW Develpoment Bank

WWTP's Antalya, Izmir and Bursa, Turkey

Bason – Cat Lai Sewer Route Project, Phase 2

Project: New construction of an interceptor sewer from existing East Bank Shaft (receiving shaft of Bason sewage pumping station pressure pipe) to Cat Lai waste water treatment plant.

> More information

  1. Average daily flow: Qd = 450.00 m³/d
  2. Maximum flow: Qmax = 21.06 m³/d
  3. Total length: L = 6–10 km
  4. Diameter: d = 3600 mm
  5. Average level: Z = -40.00 ma.s.l

Feasibility Study

  1. Variant comparison of three different alignments
  2. Variant comparison of the hydraulic system
    - Pressurized system
    - Gravity system
  3. Variant comparison of the construction method
    - Open trench method
    - Segmental lining method without trench
    - Pipe jacking method without trench
  4. Cost calculation
  5. Selection and proposal of the preferable variant
  6. Feasibility check


Ho Chi Minh City, District 2, Vietnam


Peoples Committee HCMC, Vietnam
Wijaya Baru, Malaysia

Project Manager:

Prof. Max Preussner
Dipl.-Ing. H.-J. Werner




International Consultancy Contract


Wijaya Baru, Malaysia (privat investment)

Investment sum:

140,000,000 US $ (gross)

Cat Lai Sewer Route Project, Phase 2

STP Stara-Zagora, Bulgaria

Project: New construction of an anaerobic stabilization in digester.

Sludge treatment: Sludge treatment by mechanical pre thickening, anaerobic digestion (digester volume 5000 m³) incl. gas system with gas treatment, gas holder and gas flare, mechanical post thickening and mechanical dewatering.

> More information


Complete design and engineering of the anaerobic sludge treatment system for the ISPA contractor the JV Heitkamp-MASS [SZ/D].

  1. 2007 Variant comparison for process design
  2. 2007 Application for construction permission / Architecture design
  3. 2007 Technical design for technological part, constructive part, electrical and SCADA part
    and HVAC part
  4. 2008 Detailed design for technological part, constructive part, electrical and SCADA part
    and HVAC part


City of Stara-Zagora, Bulgaria


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Work (MoRDPW), Bulgaria

Project Manager:

Dipl.-Ing. H.-J. Werner

Final Size:

250,000 PE


2007 - 2009




Design-build contract according to FIDIC Yellow-Book conditions of contract



Investment sum:

3,500,000 €

Sludge Treatment Plant Stara-Zagora, Bulgaria

STP Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria

Project: New construction of an anaerobic stabilization in digester.

Sludge treatment: Sludge treatment by mechanical pre thickening, anaerobic digestion (digester volume 1500 m³) incl. gas system with gas treatment, gas holder and gas flare, mechanical post thickening and mechanical dewatering.

> More information


Complete design and engineering of the anaerobic sludge treatment system for the ISPA contractor the JV Heitkamp-MASS [SZ/D].

  1. 2007 Variant comparison for process design
  2. 2007 Application for construction permission / Architecture design
  3. 2007 Technical design for technological part, constructive part, electrical and SCADA part and
    HVAC part
  4. 2008 Detailed design for technological part, constructive part, electrical and SCADA part and
    HVAC part


City of Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Work (MoRDPW), Bulgaria

Project Manager:

Dipl.-Ing. H.-J. Werner

Final Size:

75,000 PE


2007- 2009




Design-build contract according to FIDIC Yellow-Book conditions of contract




1,800,000 €

Sludge Treatment Plant Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria

Hydraulic Design – WWTP Bacau, Romania

Project: New construction, rehabilitation and extension of the mechanic/biologic WWTP (180,000 PE) for removal of the organic matters BOD5 and COD, nitrogen and phosphorous removal by activated sludge process.

> More information


Complete hydraulic design and hydraulic optimization, for the ISPA contractor PWT, by hydraulic modeling of all treatment lines for the load cases Qwet, Qdry, peak, Qd/24, Qmin and Qstorm for the waste water treatment as well as the storm water system with modeling system HYDKA Version 4.5.


City of Bacau, Romania


Ministry of Economy and Finance, Romania

Project Manager:

Dipl.-Ing. J. Krone

Final Size:

180,000 PE


1 year




Design-build contract according to FIDIC Yellow-Book conditions of contract




10,000,000 €

WWTP Bacau, Romania

Sewerage System Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria

Project: Rehabilitation and upgrading of the sewerage system located on the left bank of Maritza River for the town of Dimitrovgrad.

> More information


Complete design and engineering of the sewerage system for the ISPA contractor Heitkamp / Ingenieur- und Kraftwerksbau GmbH

  1. Hydraulic design incl. hydrodynamic modeling
  2. Preliminary design, technical and detailed design for a total sewers length of 30km
  3. Preliminary design, technical and detailed design for three pumping stations with
    capacities of 22 - 35l/s
  4. Technological part, constructive part, electrical and SCADA part and HVAC part for three
    pumping stations with capacities of 22 - 35l/s


City of Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Work (MoRDPW), Bulgaria

Project Manager:

Dipl.-Ing. J. Krone


2007 - 2010




Design-build contract according to FIDIC Yellow-Book conditions of contract




approx. 8,900,000 €

Kanalnetz Dimitrovgrad, Bulgarien

WWTP Skenderaj, Kosovo

Project: New construction of a mechanic/biologic WWTP for removal of the organic matters BOD5 and COD by IMMHOFF-Tank and trickling filter withsimultanes aerobic sludge stabilization.

> More information

Scheduled Technique:

Sewage treatment: intake pump station, compact unit with screens and an aerated grit and grease chamber, Immhoff-Tank, trickling filter, secondary settling tank

Sludge treatment: Sludge treatment by cold digestion in Imhoff-Tank, gravity thickening and sludge drying beds


Complete design and engineering of a mechanic/biologic WWTP and a new construction of a transport sewer for the EAR contractor the JV Dywidag-MASS.

  1. 2006 Process- and hydraulic design for the WWTP
  2. 2006 Hydraulic- and technical design for the transport sewer, 3.5km, DN 400 to DN 600
  3. 2007 Technical and detailed design for technological part, constructive part, electrical and
    SCADA part and HVAC part


City of Skenderaj, Kosovo


EAR European Agency for Reconstruction

Project Manager:

Dipl.-Ing. J. Krone

Final Size:

8,000 PE


2005 - 2007




Design-build contract according to EU conditions of contract


EAR European Agency for Reconstruction


4,000,000 €

WWTP Skenderaj, Kosovo